The smallest and also the cheapest room. Area close to 20m2.
Acoustically prepared, recommended for rock, blues, pop, etc. We stuffed a few nice devices on a small area.
Pearl Masters Maple. 22 ”10” 12 ”14”, DW7000 and an excellent Pearl frame.
Pearl Chad Smith 14×5, DW Design Maple 14×5,5″, DW PDP maple bubinga 14×6,5″, Gretsch Renown Maple 14×5,5, Tama Starclassic B/B 14×6″, Peace bubinga 14×5″, Mapex Phosphor Bronze 14″x5,5″
Call or write and I’ll be happy to answer to your questions:
Music Rehearsal Studio KOTŁOWNIA Phone: 504-12-87-86
We order via SMS!
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